Note: For a while now I’ve been dabbling in science fiction short stories. Recently I entered a few short-fiction story contests. I didn’t win anything, nor did I expect too. One of the contests attracted 1,100 entries. And had prizes. So, they probably attracted some serious writers.

Even though I didn’t win, the experience was fun and enlightening. There’s only one way to become a better writer. Read more. And write more. Work at your craft. For me, writing fiction is very different from writing technical archeological papers and reports. It’s been a learning process to write for a public audience.

And the topics for those contest were inspiring too. Both contests challenged us to write about a futuristic world. As it might appear in the year, 2,200 (Grist Magazine). The other competition, in ‘Sapiens Plurum’ (wisdom of many), and the stories to be published in Fix, asked us to create a story where we were more in harmony with our world – our environment, the creatures that live in it, and others around us.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll share these stories with you. Here’s how I imagine us living in a better, more harmonious world.

Here’s the first one then. Submitted to Sapiens Plurum, May, 2021:


A Time 6,000 Years Ago

The old man and his grandson stood at the south edge of their dying northern forest. Before them rose one brave majestic spruce tree, well over 200 years old. Now brown and loosing its needles. Struggling to survive. And not another tree in sight.

The wizened old man looked down at his grandson. “Let me tell you a story, young one. When I was your age, long, long ago, I stood on this same spot amongst towering, majestic evergreens. This place, and even farther south, was all lush, green forest, inhabited by many animals.”

“But, what does it mean grandfather? We are a forest people. Are we losing our homes, our way of life?” Turok now looked somewhat anxious. Was his home threatened?

The old man gazed at the forlorn-looking tree struggling to survive. Soon the fires would take it if the heat and dryness failed to. “It means my child, that the trees are running away. To a new place if they are to survive. If we are to survive, we must follow them.”

An inquisitive Turok wondered about grandfather’s words. He pondered whether it had happened before or would again.

2015: Oslo, Norway

Two young men and a woman sat in the conference hotel lounge, trying to enjoy a drink after the day’s sessions on climate change. All were brilliant in their fields of genetic engineering, forest ecology, international law and diplomacy. What they’d heard was hardly surprising but still jarring and sobering: global warming was raising hell with everything including the one thing they all had an interest in – the health of the boreal forests of the world. The news wasn’t good. The boreal forests of the world were dying.

The Scandinavian lawyer/diplomat, Karst Olsen, spoke first. “What a bloody mess. If people only knew the half of it. As temperatures continue to rise, and the boreal forests continue to decline, to burn and release their vast carbon stores into the atmosphere, even greater temperature increases will be triggered. If I heard right, no matter what we do, we can no longer stop it from happening.” He ran his fingers through his thinning hair. Olsen was a rare political bird. He listened to scientists, considered the ethical and legal implications of their work, then relayed their information to the rest of the political community. But getting them to act on it was a job that would thin even the thickest head of hair in a short period of time.

The Russian plant geneticist and engineer, Dmitri Yashin, leaned forward and in a heavy accent added. “Does world not understand anything? Including my government? They think the Siberian taiga is just for logging and mineral extraction. I agree, Karst, it is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Our northern forests are dying and the animals with them. They represent thirty percent of all forests in the world. Even if we stop the warming, now, it is too late. We cannot stop this. I have some ideas, but no one listens.” The Russian shook his black head of hair already showing white streaks.

Throughout the conversation, the Canadian palaeoecologist, Susan Brock, who also specialized in microbiotics, remained quiet, listening intently to her two colleagues. She had never met these men before but knew their reputation. She had asked if they would join her for a drink to hear their thoughts. Now the others looked at her intently, expecting to hear a reason for the meeting.

“Gentlemen, as you both point out the news isn’t good. But I have more.”

Dmitri interrupted, “Any good news, Dr. Brock, please. I don’t feel so good after that session.” Dmitri, however, was feeling better by looking into the eyes of the striking woman before him, unconsciously stroking his hair to ensure it was neatly in place.

“Well, Dmitri, the good news is that the boreal forest isn’t really dying. It is moving north as our climate warms to cooler places to survive.”

“That is good news, Susan. So, it will get bigger then?” Karst too was liking what he heard.

Susan responded, “No, it doesn’t work like that. The southern edge is dying, and the northern edge is expanding.”

“So, then in the future, it will be the same, or maybe even bigger,” suggested Karst.

“No. And here comes the bad news. The world’s major vegetation zones, including the boreal forest, have moved before. The dying parts of the boreal forest will release massive amounts of trapped carbon into the atmosphere. The 2017 summer fires in British Columbia, Canada that released 190 million tonnes of green house gases into the atmosphere will pale in comparison.”

“So, why not just focus on technology to directly remove CO2 from the air to solve problem?” Dmitri’s scientific interest perked up. He liked solving problems. Especially if he could solve them with Susan.

“Too costly, and not nearly efficient enough.” Susan stopped and took a drink, bracing herself to explain what would come next. It wasn’t good.

“In the past forests moved and adapted as climate slowly changed. This change is too fast. Our forests can’t adapt fast enough. Secondly, remember where the forest is heading. To the Canadian Shield in North America and similar terrain in your country, Dmitri. Solid bedrock. Big trees don’t grow so well on solid rock.” She now had the men’s full attention, as they began to understand what the world was facing.

“So why have you summoned us, Dr. Brock?” Karst asked but was beginning to join the dots.

“Because I think if the three of us work together, there might be a way out.” As she said these words, she casually gazed over at the people assembled in the lounge.

“Deutsch bitte, meine Herren.” And then she related her plans in fluent German to the two startled men on what was needed over the next five years. And what would be expected of them. At first there were confused looks, then a dawning understanding, followed by mischievous grins. Dr. Susan Brock picked up her laptop, leaving two other identical ones with further instructions for her colleagues, and walked out of the lounge.

Ottawa, Canada

Colonel Strange, Canadian Secret Service, glared at the man in front of him describing the meeting between the three scientists in Oslo a few days ago.

“What do you mean you couldn’t understand the last part of the conversation?”

“Sir, Dr. Brock was speaking English, and I could clearly hear everything. Then suddenly she switched to German. I don’t understand German.”

A now somewhat enraged Strange shouted. “You at least recorded it, right?”

“No, Sir. I didn’t have time. Or the equipment.”

“Bloody fool. That woman wasn’t just having a drink and picking up men. She’s one of our top scientists in microbiotics. Dangerous stuff, I’m told. We need to keep an eye on her. Sharing information with those two. How dare she without first coming to us. They’re up to something. I know it. I feel it.” Finally Strange looked at the agent and waved his hand. “Dismissed.”

Moscow, Russia

In Moscow, a similar conversation was going on between Lieutenant Korlekov and his agent who reported the same thing about Yashin’s meeting. There was considerable shouting, fist banging and finally stomping feet as the agent fled from his superior’s curses.

Both Strange and Korlekov sat in their respective offices trying to make sense of the meeting. Brock was the ringleader. Whatever they were up to might have international implications that could affect both countries. Strange was tempted just to arrest Brock and throw her in the slammer. And then ask some tough questions. Not very Canadian-like but this was serious business. Korlekov was thinking the same thing. Both men, however, knew, given who they were dealing with, that was impossible.

But before they could do anything, both Brock and Yashin mysteriously disappeared. Just vanished. At that news, a bead of sweat broke out on the men’s faces as they reached for the desk drawer for a much needed drink. Their disappearance would not be easy to explain to their superiors.

2020:  A Small Swedish Community, on the Northern Edge of the Taiga 

They sat around the kitchen table sipping their drinks. Much like their first meeting in Oslo. Talking about the forest’s problems and their project. But many things had changed. Brock and Yashin, working so closely together, had become husband and wife, sharing a passion for their work and each other. And they were no longer just worrying about the forests’ problems. They were trying to solve them.

Finally, Karst spoke. “After reading of your progress, I thought I’d drop by and have a few words.”

“A few words, Karst? How can there only be a few words from a lawyer? Are there issues?”

“Yes, I’m afraid. Your sudden disappearances caused a lot of friction between your countries. CSIS is accusing Russia of kidnapping you, Dr. Brock, to gain insights into your work on microbiotics. And the Russians are accusing the Canadians of whisking away Dr. Yashin for his work in biological genetic engineering. No one in either country, however, has yet added two and two together. They never will because they don’t see the need for cooperation and teamwork.  And that some problems of the world require them, at a high level.” Olsen, automatically reached to run his hands through his hair, apparently not realizing he had none.

“But no one knows, Karst? How we pulled that off? Given who we are?” A now almost white-haired Dmitri was surprised at that. He shook his head. Brock’s plan had been brilliant. But she never told him where it came from and who had orchestrated it. He never asked. Perhaps someday the truth would come out. Now there still were more important things to consider.

Olsen, leaned over the table and in a hushed voice, added. “There’s more, as I’m sure you both heard on the news. Both your fields are closely being scrutinized by the media.”

“I know, I know. Fiddling with nature and turning little robots loose is causing a bit of a shitstorm. Especially among certain political elements of the planet.” Brock knew long ago that this day would come. A day when the big question had to be asked: What are acceptable trade-offs in saving the planet? “We’re past the point of petty ethics, religion, and legalities, Karst. They won’t matter if the whole planet dies. And every living thing on it.”

“I know, Susan. I know. I’ve been making the same arguments to our leaders, but to no avail. They argue this type of research is unethical. Not right, not natural.”

“Hypocrites! All of them. We’ve been fiddling with nature for thousands of years. On all continents, even Antarctica, with the animals and plants, even the ground. We’ve created many synthetic products that are crippling our environment. How is that natural? This is one step further on a scale unimaginable but necessary. If we lose these forests, we’re doomed.”

Dmitri was about to say more when Susan broke in. “Let’s give them a gift. As soon as there’s some economic and political benefit from our work, they’ll shut up real fast. And go on their hypocritical ways.”

“What sort of gift, Susan?”

Susan stood and motioned Karst to follow her. Out in the back yard overlooking fields, Susan pointed to a new crop of what looked like wheat, just coming up. “We’ve had some unexpected results from our research that will benefit more than just the forests. Take these seeds back and let the politicians give them to the farmers. That’ll put smiles on everyone’s faces.”

“But what are these, Susan?”

“Ask Dmitri. It’s his brainchild.” Karst turned to Dmitri, but before he could ask, Susan motioned toward a stand of trees.

“And, Karst, how do like our new trees, and my new organic mat?” At first Karst just stared, speechless as he slowly realized what he was seeing.

After Susan and Dmitri explained their research, Karst could only gasp. He whispered over and over, almost weeping. “This is incredible. Just incredible. Unbelievable. The trees will be able to run north faster now.” Then they went back into the house to have a few more drinks, and settle poor Karst down, who was still mumbling, “Unbelievable, incredible. How did you do it….?”

2050: The Boreal Forest, North West Territories, Canada

The two old men sat on the bench overlooking the little lake surrounded by beautiful forest. Taking in the smells of rich pine and spruce needles, listening to the birds and distant howling of a wolf pack on the hunt.

“Tell me, Alexei, did you ever have doubts on what we were doing? I mean as the leader of Russia then, you were taking a tremendous risk. Not only at home, but abroad. If you were wrong, the world could have turned against you. Your people would have strung you up.”

Alexei Yashin turned to the once Canadian prime minister. “No Gerald. No doubts. Who could have? There were no other solutions. I had faith in what we were doing together. But that young Olsen really convinced me. He has a brilliant legal mind, and he knew how to push the right buttons.”

Gerald Brock nodded, feeling much the same way. Undoubtedly, the two scientists were brilliant in their solution to save the northern forests. But for their brilliance to come to fruition, it took world-wide international cooperation. At the very highest levels.

Alexei stared into the forest, still somewhat shocked by how this had all come about. “Gerald, we couldn’t tell anyone. Too many cooks in the kitchen usually spoil the dinner. There was too much at stake for that to happen.”

“I guess you’re right. We did share a bit at least. The grain that Dmitri gene-engineered tipped the scales. It satisfied a lot of people because of its faster growth and higher yield. It was like manna sent from the heavens. Abruptly, genetic engineering was no longer a problem. Hypocrites.”

“I wonder if they suspect the truth, Gerald, about what else it does. I haven’t said a word. Have you?”

“No. Why bother. They didn’t care about CO2 emissions then, so why would they care if that strain of wheat sucked up five times more CO2 than other strains. And, certainly balanced out the CO2 emissions the dying forests were giving off.”

Unexpectedly, Alexei stood up and started jumping up and down on the ground. Secret Service men suddenly appeared out of the trees, but he waved them off. “Seems solid enough, Gerald. I still don’t know how she managed this.” He stared at what seemingly looked like a normal forest floor. And then jumped on it one more time for good measure.

“She’s a marvel in microbiotics, Alexei. Your Dmitri did well designing those conifer and poplar trees that could grow three times faster and suck up five times more CO2 than the normal boreal forest conifers.”

“Yes, he’s a genius. But, without this mat, those trees could not have grown on the bedrock as the forests moved north. This beneath me is true genius.”

“At first I didn’t believe her when she explained it to me. How could you develop an organic layer, essentially soil, over the top of bedrock, so those trees could grow further north?”

“So, what convinced you?”

“She invited me out to the cottage near the northern edge of the forest. She laid down an organic mat. Then told me to measure its width and thickness. I did. Exactly a metre wide, twenty centimetres thick, and one-hundred metres long. When we came back twenty-four hours later, I measured the mat again. It was ten centimetres wider and two centimetres thicker.”

“At first I thought it was some sort of trick. I had to be sure. So, I camped out all night and took measurements every three hours. Took a lot of good scotch to get that done.”

“She was right, wasn’t she? Or, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

“Yes, she was right. That bloody mat was growing, with the help of those little bots in there. It was producing soil for those trees to grow in. But even more incredible, it was chewing up about thirty centimetres of bedrock beneath it.”

“But you worried, right, Gerald? Like I did with Dmitri’s genetic engineering. If we let the genie out of the bottle, would we ever control it?”

“Yes. I worried a lot about how to control it.”

“And that was her brilliance as well. This mat was laid down ten years ago. It’s alive but the little bots are dead. They were xenobots, biological robots, with a certain life-span. They did their work, and then were gone. That convinced you, right?”

“Right. We were out of time, and out of solutions.”

The two old men gazed over the lake, lost in their thoughts. Thinking about what might not have been. Perhaps there was a divine being who put all this in place. Suddenly their grandchildren and great grandchildren burst from the forest, followed by Susan and Dmitri. Everyone was flush with the excitement of exploring the forest trails and searching for rare mushrooms for dinner.

Alexei and Gerald looked up and smiled as their family milled around them. They acknowledged their two children. “Finally made it back, did you? We were worried the wolves and bears got you. We were just talking about you…..”

A Time 400 Years Later

The old woman stood with her granddaughter at the edge of the northern forest. Both looked at the dying trees. The trees were no longer able to deal with the harsher winters as the Earth cooled.

“What is happening, grandmother? Are they dying?”

“Yes, they are my child. And soon their kind will run south towards the sun that nourishes them.”

“Is it bad, grandmother? That they run?”

“No, it’s the way of Nature. The trees know when to run. Sometimes we need to help them though.”

The young child wondered whether it had happened before or would ever again.



I view our current global warming from a somewhat unique perspective. It’s happened before. In Alberta, for example, thousands of years ago, the prairies were in the Peace River Country as western Canada experienced hot, dry conditions.

However, unlike today, humans, as far as we know, had nothing to do with creating those warmer, drier conditions. We’ve created the problems but we’re struggling to find the will to slow down CO2 emissions, or the technology to allow our forests to adapt to increasing temperatures.

The fun part about fiction, is it lets you dream and imagine. Perhaps I’m being naive to think that countries can work together on issues of a global scale. Or, that there are ways we can counter what we have created. Nanotechnology, however, is not a dream. Nor are genetically engineered trees that can suck up more CO2 emissions. That is already in the works.

I’ll leave it at that. I’m an optimist. Whatever humans imagine they have often created. So maybe there’s hope for the mess we’re in.


The Puck Stops Here: A Canadian Hockey Story

Hockey captures the essence of Canadian experience in the New World. In a land so inescapably and inhospitably cold, hockey is the chance of life, and an affirmation that despite the deathly chill of winter we are alive.
Stephen Leacock

Pregame: The Dressing Room

Harry Reed finally arrived at the rink. A little late. It was a dark, chilly, -25C Alberta night. As he stepped into the dressing room, he was greeted with loud cheers, jeers, and hellos. And the strong smell of sweaty equipment seldomly laundered.

The boys cheered loudest when they had a full dressing room. Didn’t have to work so hard in the game. ‘Things sure change,’ thought Harry. ‘Years ago we hoped three or four guys wouldn’t show up. So we could get more ice-time.’

Harry looked for a spot to park his gear in the aged rink’s crowded dressing room. Judging by its size it was built for a team of twelve-year olds, not fully grown men. Finally squeezing himself in between two players, he looked around as his white-haired teammates (at least those with hair) dressed for the game. He saw knee braces, thick black plastic Hanson-like glasses, and other protective gear in sight. A set of crutches stood in one corner. Harry wondered about that. A necessary precaution?

Unlike younger teams preparing for the game, talk focused on who did the stupidest thing the last time out. There were always plenty of fodder for that topic. Tonight discussion focused around Frank’s defense of the team’s name, arguing that he tried to stay sweat-free when playing. This got a round of applause and some cheers from his teammates, the NeverSweats.

Finally, donning their jerseys with the team logo, NEVERSWEATS etched on them in big blue letters, their goalie, Howie, led the team onto the ice. Ready to do battle. Some, more with their own physical shortcomings than with the opposition.

First Period: A Slow Start

Harry and his line mates sat on the bench looking despondently on as the other team rushed down the ice, into their end, and put another puck past their goalie. Four goals in five shots. Looked like Howie was ‘fighting it’ again tonight. Whatever ‘it’ was. Right now Howie couldn’t stop a beach ball.

Someone on the bench mumbled the S***e-word, a good hundred feet from where Howie stood in net. A word you never said in the presence of a goalie. Howie suddenly looked at his bench, yelling. “I heard that, dammit. One of you jokers want to play in net?”

Of course none of the jokers on the bench responded. Why would anyone want to throw themselves in front of a hard, fast-moving missile that could hurt you? That just seemed counterintuitive to survival.

Everyone wondered though how a goalie, supposedly hard of hearing, picked up certain words about his goal-tending prowess, at that distance. Theories abounded. The man could read lips. He had the bench wired and was listening in. He wasn’t really deaf at all.

“Come on, boys, pick it up,” shouted Coach Larry. “They’re beating us to the puck.”

‘Pick it up, boys. Pick it up,’ thought Harry. He looked over at his center man, Big Dale. They both shared that knowing look. ‘Pick it up boys, pick it up.’ Their coach, whom they lovingly had dubbed, ‘Captain Obvious’ was living up to his name. If there was anything left to pick up they would have done so. Even at this age, losing wasn’t fun.

The half-dozen fans in the rink were also shouting, ‘Pick it up, boys.’ Obviously Larry’s relatives were in attendance.

As the first period ended, the score was four-nothing for the visitors. Harry wished Roger Neilson was coaching. By now he would have put a white towel on the end of a hockey stick, raised it, and waved in surrender. Harry looked around and noticed those towels neatly stacked behind Coach Larry, who it seemed, recalled a similar incident a half-dozen games ago. Well, that’s what coaches were for – to keep the troops in line and fighting.

First Intermission – And Relief

The players sat in the dressing room, backs slouched up against the wall, half listening to Coach Larry. Some of the players were already eyeing the beer cooler. But Coach would have none of it, deliberately sitting on it.

“Now, boys, I saw a bit of sloppy play out there. Clean it up and a little more back-checking and we’re right back in it.” Coach suddenly stopped talking and looked around. A squabble in the corner had broken out where a beach ball mysteriously appeared and was being thrown at Howie.

The rest of the team were politely nodding at Coach Larry’s sage advice, trying to avoid Howie’s glares, knowing full well that wasn’t going to happen. But Coach meant well. He became coach not because of his great insights into the game of hockey. As his last comment had just demonstrated. He often bought the team a round of beer after the game. Coaches like that were hard to find.

Plus, the boys felt bad for Coach Larry, perhaps also thinking about their own rather fragile invincibility. After blowing his knee out Coach couldn’t play anymore. He missed the boys, the camaraderie, and needed to be around the rink to stay happy.

Coach Larry, now standing but still keeping one foot firmly planted on the beer cooler, exclaimed. “And another thing boys. Stop Malone. He’s killing us. Slow him down, get in his way. Dan, whisper in his ear how you’re going to get him. You’re good at that sort of thing.

Harry looked at Dan and rolled his eyes. Dan was good at that sort of thing. Like a loose cannon out there running into everything that moved. Including his teammates. It didn’t matter.

“But coach, I can’t whisper in his ear. I can’t get near him. He’s too bloody fast. I could maybe yell at him to slow down. Or bribe him with a beer. I mean the guy had a tryout with the Oilers.”

The rest of the team nodded. Malone was hopeless. And with Howie in net. Well, the score could get really ugly.

The whistle finally blew to start of the second period. Everyone put away their smelling salts, re-taped their wobbly knees, and rubbed ointment on their already aching bodies. Thankfully now the smell of ointment, instead of smelly equipment, pervaded the room. Time to stop Malone. At least yell at him to slow down.

Coach left the room last to make sure nobody got into the beer on the way out.

Second Period: Overcoming Adversity

As Harry stepped onto the ice for his warm-up skate, there was a roar of laughter behind him. He looked back to see his defenceman, Tim, lying on the ice. Most of his teammates were bent over the boards howling with laughter. The four remaining fans were also having a good laugh.

Coach Larry looked on with feigned concern. The boys weren’t taking the game too seriously. Always a bad sign. Meanwhile, Tim was still on the ice, struggling to get up until someone suggested he take his skate guards off first.

The other team now watching, all slapped their sticks on the ice in appreciation as Tim finally stood. The sportsmanship displayed at these games was often inspiring. Especially when the other team’s foolishness threatened the integrity of the game.

The second period started much like the first. Malone was tearing the ice up. And Howie was still having trouble seeing the puck. Mumbling and complaining bitterly about the lights and shadows. No one said anything. If Howie saw shadows, so be it.

“Jeez, it’s f*****g cold in this rink. What’s the temperature do you think, Harry?”

“Well, Gerry, if it’s -25C outside, then I figure it’s about -27C inside. I don’t know their secret but they seem to be able to keep it colder inside than outside.” Right above the team bench hung a line of gas heaters. But these were never turned on for Beer League hockey.

The boys laughed at that one. This started stories about playing in cold weather. Harry remembered one time in Swift Current. “We were about ten years old and playing on an outdoor rink in January. It was hellish cold. There was a stiff breeze making little snowdrifts on the ice. Occasionally we had to stop play to remove them. Our feet were froze solid by the end of the first period. After the game the moms and dads of eleven screaming kids were carefully trying to pry their skates off.”

“Are you guys going to play hockey or jabber?,” barked Larry. “Keep it up and you’ll miss your shift.”

“Personally, I’d like to just sit and jabber the way this game’s going,” whispered Harry to Big Dale.

“I heard that,” yelled Larry. Pick it up, boys, pick it up.” Larry’s hearing seemed as acute as Howie’s.

Then the NeverSweats got their first break of the game. Dan managed to somehow bump into Malone as he was careening down the ice. It really was an accident of sorts. Trying desperately to stick-check the speedster, Dan did a toe pick, followed by a rather awkward pirouette, crashing into Malone, sending him flying into the boards. Dan was ejected from the game. Malone never returned.

With Malone gone the momentum of the game changed. The NeverSweats picked it up. And Howie suddenly regained his vision. The puck now looked as big as a beach ball. He stopped everything. That little training session during the last intermission had kicked in.

Near the end of the period, Don had a breakaway. He rushed toward the opposition goalie, head down all the way, and let fly. Never once looking at the net, or where he was shooting. He focused only on not losing the puck off his stick. That would have brought a hail of laughter from the bench.

The puck hit the motionless goalie square in the logo. Don cursed, but ever the sportsman, slapped the goalie on the pads after, what seemed to him, a great save. Laughter burst out from both benches.

The referee blew his whistle to end the second period. The NeverSweats had closed the gap to within one goal.

No Second Intermission: The Beer is Safe

There was no regular second intermission. Just a short break. The remaining fans had seen enough and had gone home. The ice was still pretty clean and didn’t require a flood. As fatigue set in sudden stops and starts diminished. Instead, the players used long gliding turns to change direction. Creating little snow on the ice.

During the break the referee disappeared into his small dressing room.

“What the hell does he do in there every break? Weak bladder, or what?” The team had their suspicions, but no one said anything. It seemed though, as the game progressed, the referee’s vision was becoming a lot like Howie’s. But, getting a regular referee was almost harder than finding a goalie. Even one who couldn’t always see well.

Big Dale, Harry’s center, was leaning over the boards urging the boys on. Now mouthing Coach’s words,”Come on guys, if we pick it up a bit, we can beat these guys.”

Everyone went through the motions of buying in. Even though most minds were already on the ice-cold beer in the dressing room.

Then John, standing beside Big Dale, bent over and closely examined his gloves. “Heh, big guy, where did you get those gems? Museum? Are they hockey gloves or jousting gauntlets? They nearly cover your elbows. I mean, who even sells those things anymore? They look like they’re right out of the fifties or sixties.” The others now looked on, chuckling.

“I get them where I buy all my equipment. At the local Sally Ann thrift store. Fifteen bucks. You can’t beat that.”

“Well, Dale, they certainly blend in nicely with that trendy Jofa helmet and that straight-lasted wood stick. Do you get your sticks custom-made? Who still sells wood straight-lasted sticks?”

More chuckling. Dale was forever stuck in the 60’s. He would remain there until the day he died. Once they quit making straight-lasted sticks, Dale would retire from hockey.

Finally the referee appeared, a big smile on his face, and blew his whistle to start the third period.

Before starting, Coach Larry had a few parting words for his troops. “Let’s see if we can break out of our own end a little cleaner, boys. One time we couldn’t get out for two shifts.

Martin, the team wise-ass (at least for this game), put Coach’s mind at ease. “That’s a set play, Coach. It’s a trap of sorts. Lots of teams we play fall into it. We trap them in our end, and don’t let them out, until their arms and legs get weary. Then we break out. Or when they score. Whichever comes first.” The others thought this an exceedingly clever cover-up for having no plan whatsoever on how to get out of their end.

Third Period: The Comeback?

The referee dropped the puck and surprisingly play picked up. A sort of Old-timer urgency had set into the game. There were actually some stops and starts again. Plumes of frozen breath shot into the air as players battled for the puck. And low and behold! Sweat broke out among the ranks of the NeverSweats. This rarely happened, especially on a cold winter night in the Ice Palace.

The other team was feeling it too. During the brief intermission some players went to their dressing room to don more clothing. Or so it appeared.

Harry and his line mates looked on as the Rusty Nuts looked rustier by the minute. “Remember that time, boys, when we played at the Mall rink. It was -35C outside so we put on extra layers of underwear for the game.”

“Ya, I remember that one,” said Big Dale. “Nearly died of heat exhaustion by the second period. That was a real weapon that team had. Nothing like this Ice Palace.”

“More like a Sweat Palace. And the worst ice in the City. And the costliest from what I heard. It was like skating in putty. And the space behind the net was narrower than in other rinks. I remember when I first played there, watching the beauty of my pass one time, and running into the back boards cracking three ribs.”

Coach Larry shouted, “Next line. Come on boys, get out there and score.” As if anyone on this team could score at will.

“His memory is sure short,” whispered Dale. “Is that what happens when you quit playing and start coaching? You get a memory transplant. They replace the ‘player’ chip with a ‘coaching’ chip?” Dale stopped talking when he saw Coach giving him a steely stare.

Big Dale won the face-off in their end. Back to his defenceman and then over to Harry. Harry deftly chipped it up the boards to an already breaking Dale. Dale, now one-on-one with the D-man, made his custom power swoop beating him cleanly. As he moved towards the goalie he did some little thing with his stick and wrists, putting the puck over the goalie’s shoulder into the net. Harry vaguely remembered having to do something similar with his straight-lasted stick years ago to raise the puck. He didn’t remember exactly what it was anymore. Dale could score with that stick.

4-4. The only cheering Dale heard was from the players on his bench. The rest of the rink was silent except for the Zamboni getting ready to flood the ice. Two minutes left. Could the NeverSweats hang on? Maybe even win?

Sitting on the bench, Harry overheard his second line talking strategy. There seemed to be some disagreement on how to generate more offense in the other team’s end. Eric, their center man was explaining attacking tactics to his teammates, “I said dump-and-chase, guys. Not dump-and-watch. We need to pressure them in their end more.”

His winger, Trevor, responded, “Well, we’re kinda playing the neutral zone trap by staying high. Don’t want to get caught too deep in their end.” A now exasperated Eric said nothing. There was no use.

The boys were tiring. “Hurry, get up, Al. Get in the box. We’ve got too many men on the ice.” A tired Al had fallen near the team bench and was desperately trying to get off the ice. Just as he got up, a line mate bumped him and down he went again. As he tried the second time, he stepped on his stick and went down once more. Finally, a now exhausted, desperate Al gave up and just crawled the rest of the way into the team bench. There were howls of laughter from both sides. The referee looked the other way, letting the play go on.

Now with only thirty seconds left in the game, Len, their best D-man decided take matters into his own hands to get out of his end. His forwards had the offensive trap play firmly working in their end. He was making another move around an opponent, between his blue line and the center line, when a Rusty Nut stripped him off the puck and went in on Howie for a breakaway.

Players on both benches stood up and watched, holding their breaths. After a few deft moves, cleanly beating Howie, the player shot the puck at an open-looking net. Howie, however, had lost his balance and now went into to his last-effort Dominique Hashik move. Falling backwards into the net, his glove hand shot out, somehow catching the puck.

The referee blew his whistle. The game was over.

Howie was mobbed by his teammates, congratulating him on the incredible save. With time it would become the best save ever made in the minds of the guys watching. Soon to join Old Timers hockey lore.

As the teams were shaking hands, a few of the Rusty Nuts mumbled something about ‘fluky goalie’ just as Howie was about to step off the ice. “I heard that. Nothing fluky about it.”

Harry bent towards one of the Rusty Nut players. “How’s your goalie’s hearing….”

The ‘After-Flow’

There was lots of shouting and backslapping in the dressing room. You’d thought the boys actually won the game. Or the Stanley Cup. The beer was flowing freely and and stories began, breaking down the game. Trying to recreate and suck out every enjoyable minute from it. The bad parts were already forgotten.

It usually took longer to get out of the dressing room than to play the game. This became somewhat problematic if you played at seven AM on a Sunday morning. And started drinking beer at eight-thirty. Fortunately the NeverSweats had an evening ice-time. But it still needed to be carefully explained to wives and girlfriends that the post-game decompression ritual was an absolute necessity in hockey. It took hours to re-hydrate and return to normal after a strenuous workout like that.

Harry was sitting in the corner, Big Dale beside him, listening to the stories. And watching the new player, Norm, sitting off in the other corner, by himself. “Has he ‘thawed out’ yet?,” asked Harry, nodding towards Norm.

“Don’t know, Harry. Was he frozen?”

“Don’t be so thick, Dale. You know what I mean.”

“There’s hope. He’s still in a bit of shock. Leaving his former younger team, and walking into a dressing room looking more like an old folks home. I was. He’s not fighting it like some guys who think they can still make the NHL. It takes time.”

Suddenly one of the players got up, raising his beer towards Norm in the corner. “Here’s to Norm, guys. Saved at least one goal tonight on that two-on-one.” Norm, now jolted out of wherever his mind was, beamed with delight.

‘Ya, he’ll be alright,’ thought Harry. ‘All the guy really wants is to be part of the team, no matter what age or level he’s playing.’

Then Harry remembered a very blurry image of the Cabri Bulldogs crest and joining the local senior men’s team in Cabri, Saskatchewan at the age of sixteen. He was young and scared. And just wanted to fit in too with the older guys.

Harry rummaged around in his hockey bag and pulled out the now nearly 50-year old Bulldog jersey. He just didn’t have the heart to toss it. Too many memories in that sweater reminding him not only of the game but his teammates. Maybe that’s why Dale kept that ancient equipment.

He looked at his sweater, then at Dale’s gloves, helmet, and stick. “Dale, I think my old team sweater goes nicely with your equipment. Same vintage.” They both had a chuckle and talked more about their early days playing hockey.

Finally Harry stood and raised his can of beer to the his teammates . “Here’s to the best game in the world, boys. I guess the puck stops here.



An increasing number of older men are playing hockey in Canada. And I’m that with time, more senior women will continue to play. Accurate statistics for Old Timer Hockey for the entire Country are hard to come by. But judging from the local Edmonton scene, Old Timer’s hockey is on the rise. To the point where it is getting increasingly harder to accommodate everyone. Fort example, the Vintage Hockey League which I had played in had three levels, based on a combination of both age and skill. The third tier contains some players in their eighties.

I used two team names, the Rusty Nuts and the NeverSweats, in this story. They nicely reflect both the age and the nature of Old Timer hockey teams. These were/are still actual team names. The Rusty Nuts were an Edmonton-based team in the 1990s (and they may still be around). The NeverSweats are an Old Timers Lloydminster team. They never seemed to sweat when they played us.

Many of us have gathered numerous great hockey stories over the years. While this story is mostly a work of fiction, some of the incidents happened during my time in Old Timer’s hockey. There are many more stories out there, as you can imagine; some are best not to repeat. I’m sure that if I interviewed those of you who played the game over the decades, I could fill a book of some pretty good Canadian hockey memories. It’s been a project on my mind for a while now. Perhaps some day it will come to fruition.
